Acoustic Guitar Lessons

Lesson 5: Easy Chord Voicings – Alternatives to Barre Chords

Lesson 5: Easy Chord Voicings – Alternatives to Barre Chords

Having trouble playing barre chords? Barre chords like F, C # m, Bm, B and others are more difficult to play than other non-barre chords, and they can sound a bit too “closed off” on acoustic guitar. There are easier, alternate ways to play all of these barre chords, which will sound more open/airy and ring out more freely. This video walks through several common alternate voicings.

Lesson 4: How To Tune Your Guitar

Lesson 4: How To Tune Your Guitar

In this lesson, we go over the steps to tune your guitar, including getting the right type of tuner for your needs, and tuning techniques to better stay in tune.